Showing posts with label World Environment Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Environment Day. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Your Planet Needs You

Tomorrow, June 5, is the World Environment Day. How are you going to contribute to lessen the global warming? To start with UNEP has launched the campaign to plant 7 billion trees, one for every denizen of our planet earth, during the year. In this effort, many NGOs are joining in to contribute to this cause.
Environment Society of Chandigarh is launching a campaign to make people paint their roofs white which can effectively impact the heating of the planet.
Surya Education World would be distributing over 2000 plants in Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, Ambala and Patiala to encourage people to plant trees. It is also seeking ideas from the people as to how they think they would contribute in saving our environment.
Various schools in the city are sharing the kind of planet they would like to live in future through their paintings and sketches.
It is a massive effort. Yet only we can bring about the change we desire...the kind of planet that we want to leave for our children. Let's join the mission.