More than anything else, it is engaging. And why not, each one of us have our favourite hangout. Or should I say hangouts, because over a period of time we keep changing them. In my school days, the tuck shop was our favourite inside the school premises. During university days, it was the canteen behind the English department that was favourite for hot cup of tea, and bread 'pakoras'.
During short stint in journalism with Patriot in Delhi, it was the coffee shop outside UNI office, and another snack bar on Janpath. Back in the city, over the years, many of us have evolved from the Indian Coffee House, to Mandrin restaurant in Sector 11, and now to Barista or CCD (Cafe Coffee Day).
And the girls had their own special hangouts especially the golgappa wallas in Sector 23, Sector 22, Sector 18, and the like.
Do you remember which was your favourite?
My Hangout has prizes to offer you for participating in their contests. Time to check that out too.